Reasons for a Dental Extraction

Dental extractions may be necessary due to a number of situations. These include:

  • A tooth that is badly damaged due to trauma or decay.
  • A crowded mouth- If your teeth are too large for your mouth, or if there is not enough room in the mouth for a tooth to break through the gum, a tooth may need to be pulled.
  • Infection- When tooth decay reaches the center of the tooth called the pulp, it can lead to infection. When a root canal or antibiotics cannot cure this, extraction may be needed.
  • Gum Disease- If gum disease has caused your teeth to become loose, a tooth or teeth may need to be extracted.

What to Expect with Tooth Extraction

During a tooth extraction, an injection of local anesthetic will be given to numb the treatment area. In the case that several teeth are being removed, a stronger general anesthetic may be used. After the tooth is pulled, a clot will form in the socket, which will stop the bleeding. In some cases, a few stitches may need to be placed, and a gauze pad will be placed into the socket to lessen bleeding.

Sometimes, a dry socket may form, when the blood clot in the socket breaks loose and the bone is exposed. This condition can be painful, and a sedative dressing will need to be placed in the socket to protect is while a new blood clot is formed.

Recovery from a Dental Extraction

Following your dental extraction, Dr. Khan will give you special recovery instructions to follow. Any discomfort can be treated with pain medication, and applying ice to the treated area after the procedure can help to reduce swelling. Patients should avoid spitting and drinking from a straw 24 hours after the extraction, as this could dislodge the blood clot in the socket. Lying down in a reclining position can help to keep the head propped up, reducing swelling and bleeding. Also, patients should continue to brush and floss their teeth to prevent bacterial build up and infection.

Who is a Candidate for a Dental Extraction?

Healthy patients who have a damaged tooth or a crowded mouth may be in need of a dental extraction. Patients who have a condition that puts them at a high risk for developing infection may need to take antibiotics before and after their dental extraction. Be sure to share your complete medical history with Dr. Khan before the procedure. The best way to determine if you are a candidate for a dental extraction is to schedule an in-office consultation.

If you have a damaged, infected, or impacted tooth that needs to be extracted, Dr. Khan can help. Contact IKON Dental Group today to set up your appointment.